Sunday, June 04, 2006

Batchmates, sin-o sa aton an nakadumdom pa sadi?


jetski said...

hey richard,

greets and appreciation for creating this blog for your batch!

its true that maintaining a blog is a pain but once it gets going things eases up a bit.

u can start your blog rolling by posting pix of your family or yourself, or things you do and ask some of your batchmates to pitch in.

just let me know if you need some help in customizing this and i'd be glad to help you out :-)


olpsbatch89 said...

thanks Jet but I am waiting for feedback from my batchmates before I customize our site.

Not sure kun nano an gusto ninda.

Anonymous said...

Dapat Richard an mga bold an ipakita mo na mga pictures para exciting.

Bulik and Cotat